Tuesday, December 15, 2009

UNPLUGGED reviewed by Booklist

"Unplugged aims to showcase the online fiction often neglected in standard best-of-the-year anthologies, and a rousing success it is, containing, among other things, Merrie Haskell's genuinely delightful tale about a girl-prince who, over her parents’ objections, undertakes a risky journey to rescue a princess held in a tower that has brought to ruin many princes before her; she rescues quite a few people. Also prime delightful is the eerie "The Things That Make Us Weak and Strange Get Engineered Away," one of Cory Doctorow's more unnerving forays into the short story. The selections come from a truly excellent assortment of venues, including Tor.com, Lone Star Stories, Baen's Universe, and Farrago’s Wainscot. They constitute a shining example of the good general anthology. Clearly, selecting only online stories imposed no limit on scope, variety, and high quality."
--Booklist (December 15, 2009)

Unplugged: The Web's Best Sci-Fi & Fantasy - 2008 Download edited by Rich Horton is available direct from Wyrm Publishing and should be in bookstores shortly. [Amazon, Powells]